finance termsYour prompt payment is appreciated. Any remaining balance 15 days past the due date will be assessed a montly 3% interest finance charge and a late fee of $50.00 per month.
Late Charges To avoid late charges, all payments must be received by the due date. Late charges will be added to your invoice consistent with the terms outlined above. Acceptable Forms of Payment We will accept payments in the form of company checks, (or personal checks in the case of sole proprietorships), direct debit, credit cards (charge from ThreeBigDogs, Inc., parent company), or wires only. Please utilize our online payment systems when using credit card or ACH so to avoid finance fees. Cash and cash equivalents are not acceptable forms of payment and such forms of payment may delay procession or be returned. Furthermore, only you or your authorized agent as approved may remit payments on these accounts. Disputed Payments Without prejudice to any of our rights and remedies under your contract, all written communication concerning disputed amounts, including any check or other payment instrument that (a) indicates that the written payment constitutes “payment in full” or is tendered as full satisfaction of a disputed amount or (b) is tendered with other conditions or limitation must be mailed or delivered to us at our business address and marked “Attention Finance Department.” Please direct any finance questions to [email protected]. |